Student Training Week at Esrange Space Center, Kiruna

This weekend, a segment of our group traveled from Hamburg to Kiruna, Sweden, to participate in the Student Training Week hosted at the Esrange Space Center. Upon arrival, we met with other BEXUS/REXUS teams at the airport and proceeded together to the center via bus.

The week commenced with a series of informative presentations about Esrange and the associated Space Agencies on Monday. A significant part of our schedule was dedicated to the Preliminary Design Review (PDR), during which we presented the current status of our experiment to a panel of experts. The session was interactive, with a focus on our project’s high voltage systems and pressure housing, prompting a detailed discussion and questions from the panel.

Throughout the week, we plan to provide additional information based on the feedback received and hope to progress to the next phase of the project.

In addition to project-related activities, the week included a tour of the Esrange site and further presentations, offering us the opportunity to learn more about space exploration and to network with teams from across Europe.

Stay tuned for more insights from our trip to Sweden!