Selection Workshop at DLR in Bonn

The selection workshop is over and we are on the train back to Kiel. We had two days with lots of new impressions and experiences at DLR in Bonn.

We arrived in Bonn on late Sunday evening. On Monday morning the workshop started with a general introduction to the BEXUS program. After that the invited teams presented their proposed experiments. Each team held a presentation of about 25 minutes followed by a discussion between the presenting team, the board of experts and the other teams. There were a total of three teams proposing an experiment for BEXUS and five teams proposing an instrument for the REXUS program. Our presentation of our proposed instrument CHAOS was the second talk of the day. Even though we were a little bit nervous, our talk went very well. The board of experts had some questions about our experiment design and scientific goals but we believe we could give satisfying answers. We were especially happy about the positive feedback which we got from the other applying teams. We ended the day with the other teams going out for burgers and visiting the Christmas market. Today the last three teams presented their experiments and we got some more information on what to expect from the BEXUS program and the further schedule. The workshop ended at noon with the board of experts starting to discuss which experiments they want to accept. The final decisions will be announced until 18th December. We had some time left before we had to catch our train, so we had lunch with the team SHAMA from STAR Dresden and in Cologne we took the chance for a picture at Cologne Cathedral.

One of the cool things during the workshop was meeting the other student teams. We were introduced to many promising experiments and it was especially interesting to see students from other fields than ours proposing ideas. We as physicists were forced to think outside the box. There were two teams focussing on the behaviour of liquids in microgravity which is particularily interesting for the fuel tanks of rockets and satellites. Another experiment wants to look at the effects of the conditions in the stratosphere on oxygen producing bacteria. But these are only a few examples.

The selection workshop was a lot of fun and we hope we get the chance to take the next steps in the BEXUS program. We are looking forward to potentially meeting the other teams again (Jay, I still owe you a drink). You can find more pictures and stories covering our journey on our instagram channel. There we will keep you updated on everything related to CHAOS, just as in this blog.

The Journey to the Selection Workshop has started!

This Sunday afternoon we (namely Ava, Pierre and Hannes) started our journey to the selection workshop in Bonn. During the next two days we are going to meet the other candidates for the next BEXUS and REXUS cycles at the German Aerospace Center. It is planned that we hold a talk to present our proposed instrument CHAOS. After the selection workshop the final decision on which experiments can take part in BEXUS will be made by a board of experts and announced on 18th December. We did some last adjustments to our talk while sitting on the train and are looking forward to the selection workshop.

CHAOS – Invitation for the Selection Workshop

CHAOS has been selected to be presented at the selection workshop for the 15th BEXUS cycle from 27th November to 28th November 2023 in Bonn. We are happy about this great opportunity and will keep you updated. After the selection workshop the final decision on which experiments will have the chance to take part in BEXUS will be made.