Preampfilters for CHAOSjunior

The preamplifier boards for CHAOSJunior were soldered according to slightly modified scematics of the High Energy Telescop (HET) experiment. For the detector setup of the balloon flight in September 2023, only four preamplifers are necessary and only those four were assembled for now. Since the HET preamp board has room for twelve preamps in total, more can be added at a later time for the detector setup of CHAOS. The assembled preamplifier board was tested for any short circuits and function of the operating points. The boards are working as desired and can now be tested further with attached detectors.

Solid State Detectors for Chaos-Jr

Today Myrdin and Stephan started to put together the sensor head of Chaos-Jr. Two spare Solo-EPD-HET-B detectors were put into a spare HET housing. The wires were soldered to the preamplifier board that was assembled by Sophie. The sensor is now connected to a RPiRENA on a Raspberry Pi1 and is taking data. Next we will put a ²⁰⁷Bi Source next to the sensor to perform a calibration with gamma and X-rays.

Observe how two preamplifiers are still unconnected. That is where the photodiodes from the BGO scintillator will be connected.